Dynacord Professional Power Amplifiers User Manual

Page 26

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lX s


were they to appear in a high-enD hi-fi magazine, the measureD

values of the lx1600 woulD no DouBt have the auDiophiles

Drooling. from every single Discipline it’s eviDent that the

people working in DynacorD’s Development Department in

strauBing are perfectionists in the Best sense of the worD.

LX 1600 Test in `Production Partner` 11/2008

front panel

The dB-calibrated level controls are implemented as

ultra-precise detent potentiometers that are recessed

in the front panel to protect them from accidental

contact. Power, Protect, Signal and Limit LEDs provide

a quick overview of the operating status.

rear panel

The electronically balanced XLR IN / OUT sockets are

provided for direct operation with professional mixing

consoles and signal processors. All the models in the

LX series are designed for a Constant Gain of 32 dB.

The power outputs for Channels A and B as well as

the Bridged Out are on Speakon connectors.

The signal of Output B is additionally available on pins

±2 of Output A, so that with 4-pin wiring a two-way

system can be driven. A Ground Lift switch is also pro-

vided to separate the chassis ground from the signal

ground in order to eliminate ground loop hum.

dYnaMic liMiters

Dynamic limiters are general components in all

DYNACORD power amplifiers. High-speed audio

processors are continuously comparing the input signal

to the output signal, and in the event of any non-

linearity, the processors send control signals to the

limiters, which operate dynamically upon the input

level. As a result, the THD all the way up to 21 dBu is

limited to an inaudible 1% max. at the output.

lpn + lo-cut

The retrofittable NRS 90268 kit, which is available

as an option for all LX power amplifiers, combines

the LPN (low-pass notch) filter with a low-cut filter.

These eliminate transient non-linearities in the low

frequency range in small to medium-sized full-range

speakers and thereby considerably extend the repro-

ducible range at the bottom end. The acoustic result

is bass reproduction with more punch and greater
