Powerh series, Hi-end remote controllable power amplifiers – Dynacord Professional Power Amplifiers User Manual

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topologies meriting consideration

to two concepts only: Class D and

DYNACORD’s Linear Grounded

Bridge Class H. Linear Push-Pull

concepts with Class H topology

are proven solutions for power

levels up to 1500 W / 4 Ω.

This is the approach adopted by

many DYNACORD power amplifiers.

The limitation of the Class H push-pull

approach is the 250 V specification

of typical audio power transistors

and their second breakdown

restrictions. Even exceeding the

specified peak voltage or the

the demands placed on modern

power amplifiers are enormous:

maximum output, minimum

weight, the highest possible

degree of efficiency, outstanding

audio characteristics, absolute

reliability, remote supervision

and remote control as well as

network capability.

To realize stable outputs of 2500 W /

4 Ω and 3500 W / 2 Ω per channel,

power amplifiers must be capable

of making available peak output

voltages of 180 V to 200 V. This

requirement limits the number of

second breakdown limit for short

periods leads directly to a failure

of the power transistors and the

power amplifier. The use of exotic

350V-specified transistors affords

no reliable solution in view of their

second breakdown behaviour,

their performance and also their


Higher power classes require

different solutions! DYNACORD‘s

linear Grounded Bridge designs

(e.g. L2400 / P3000) have proved

extremely reliable over many years

as well as outstanding in terms

PowerH Series

hi-enD remote controllaBle power amplifiers