Rcm-26, Digital controller modul for power h – Dynacord Professional Power Amplifiers User Manual
Page 19

the rcM-26 is a dual-channel digital controller
module for live sound, pa and fixed installation. it
offers all conventional signal processing functions
such as parametric equalizers, crossovers, delays,
compressors and limiters.
It also makes available linear phase FIR filters, zero-latency
FIR filters and digital loudspeaker protection algorithms
to permit the dynamic range of the amplifier to be
exploited to the full. In addition to the electronically
balanced analogue inputs of the power amplifier, digital
inputs in AES3 (AES/EBU) format are on board.
Using the CAN buss, networks of up to 250 power
amplifiers can be realized. Additional interfaces include
the RS-232 interface for medium control and the Control
Port with freely-programmable control inputs and
outputs (GPIO). Despite its compact dimensions,
the RCM-26 is unmatched in terms of its capabilities
and audio performance. The IRIS-Net Remote Control
Module RCM-26 extends the functionality of PowerH
power amplifiers by providing:
remote control
AES3 (AES/EBU) digital inputs
digital signal processing
loudspeaker protection algorithms
system integration and networking
linear 24-bit AD/DA converters
sigma-delta 128 x oversampling
dynamic range > 116 dB
96 kHz sample rate, 48 kHz optional
THD+N < 0.005%
2 DSPs 150 MHz / 300 MIPS computational power
48-bit double-precision algorithms
Digital controller moDul for power h