Thinklogical Secure Console Server Manual User Manual
Page 76

S e c u r e C o n s o l e S e r v e r M a n u a l , R e v . K , J u l y , 2 0 1 3
Page 76
Controls the action to be taken upon detection of a call waiting tone in V.92 mode. Values specified by
this command are not modified when an AT&F command is issued.
Toggles V.24 Circuit 125 and collects Caller ID if enabled by +VCID
Hangs up
Ignores V.92 call waiting
Displays the allowed values
Displays the current value
+PIG=n PCM Upstream Ignore
n = 0 or 1
Controls the use of PCM upstream during V.92 operation. PCM upstream allows faster upload speeds to
a V.92 server.
Disables PCM upstream
Enables PCM upstream
Displays the allowed values
Displays the current value
+PMH=n Modem on Hold Enable
n = 0 or 1
Controls if modem on hold procedures are enabled during V.92 operation. Normally controlled by a
modem on hold program. Values specified by this command are not modified when an AT&F command
is issued.
Enables V.92 modem on hold
Disables V.92 modem on hold
Displays the allowed values
Displays the current value
+PMHF V.92 Modem Hook Flash
Description: Causes the DCE to go on-hook for a specified period of time, and then return off-hook
for at least a specified period of time. The specified period of time is normally one-half second, but
may be governed by national regulations. “ERROR” is returned if MOH is not enabled.
+PMHR=n Modem on Hold Initiate
n = 0–13
+PMHR is an action command that causes the modem to initiate MOH with the central site
modem. It returns the following values to indicate what has been negotiated. Valid only if MOH is
enabled and the modem is off-hook or in data mode. Otherwise, ERROR will be returned.
Deny MOH request
Grant MOH request with 10 second timeout
Grant MOH request with 20 second timeout
Grant MOH request with 30 second timeout
Grant MOH request with 40 second timeout
Grant MOH request with 1 minute timeout
Grant MOH request with 2 minute timeout
Grant MOH request with 3 minute timeout
Grant MOH request with 4 minute timeout
Grant MOH request with 6 minute timeout
Grant MOH request with 8 minute timeout
+PMHR=1 1
Grant MOH request with 12 minute timeout
Grant MOH request with 16 minute timeout
Grant MOH request with indefinite timeout
Displays the allowed values
Displays the current value