Thinklogical Secure Console Server Manual User Manual
Page 21

S e c u r e C o n s o l e S e r v e r M a n u a l , R e v . K , J u l y , 2 0 1 3
Page 21
3.2.4 Connect Your Console
The console port is used for local access to the SCS. Connect your terminal or computer to
the console port with a terminal emulation package. The SCS’s console port has a DCE
configuration with adjustable parameters.
The default communication parameters for the console port are:
9600 baud
8 data bits
No parity
1 stop bit
Xon/Xoff flow control
Use a conventional CAT5 cable to connect your terminal or computer to the CONSOLE
jack (RJ45) on the rear of the chassis.
Login to the SCS: When connected to the SCS, the
login as
prompt will appear. Log
in as
Press Enter to continue.
prompt comes up next. Enter
(the default root password) and
press Enter. SCS-R and Sentinel 32 Dual Console Interface
The SCS80R / SCS160R / SCS320R / SCS480R / Sentinel 32 have dual Console Ports, with
Console Port 1 pinned as DCE and Console Port 2 pinned as DTE. Console Port 2 is
disabled in the default configuration. To use the second console port, the sysadmin must
enable it.
Console Port 2 is activated by editing the file
Refer to Section 6 for other
System Commands.
3.2.5 Connect to the Ports
Any system (e.g., server, router, switch) with a serial port may be connected to the SCS
for consolidated system administration. Server Ports are individually configurable. Consult
your server documentation as needed.