Teac GigaStudio User Manual
Page 6

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What is the difference between .GSP and .GSI?
A performance file (.GSP) is a map of every Instrument loaded, every knob,fader, and slider
setting, every audio effect,and GigaPulse setting, as well as the size and arrangement of the
various graphical componets displayed.
A .GSI doesn’t save the whole environment it just saves the instruments loaded along with
mixer settings.
A good example of using this would be when you are stacking instruments. Lets say you stack
a bunch of different drum libraries on to one channel in GS3, You may have the snare from one
library, and the kick from another and so on, You then route them to different DSP channels
and set up this great custom drum set. You can then save it as a .GSI so that you can open it
up and use it in other performances (.GSP). When you save as a .GSP you can’t open into
Page 61 of the GS3 users manual goes into further detail.
What is the difference between GigaPulse SP, included with GS3 Solo Ensemble and
Orchestra, and GigaPulse Pro which is only included with GS3 Orchestra?
GigaPulse SP allows you to play back libraries (.gig files) that have embedded GigaPulse
impulses, like the piano body resonance in GigaPiano 2. GigaPulse SP will allow you to adjust
the basic settings (Input Level, Mic Level, Perspective, Wet/Dry Mix, Pre-Delay as well as
enable and disable any of the 7 mics) and choose any library-specific presets. GigaPulse Pro
adds the ability to add GigaPulse convolution to your own instruments to use it as a reverb
plug-in with the reverb convolution impulses included with GigaStudio. In addition GigaPulse
Pro allows you to record your own impulses or embed an impulse into a GigaStudio instrument.
I can’t find the GigaPulse Pro plug-in am I missing something?
It is only in GS3 Orchestra that you have to option to insert the GigaPulse Pro plug in on any
audio channel that you want in the DSP mixer. If you have Ensemble or Solo GigaPulse SP will
only show up on Instruments that have GigaPulse encoded into the .gig file. Such as the
GigaPiano II, NDB Cathedral GigaPulse Module.gig and if you expand the LSAD Demo Pool.gig
you will notice 3 instruments Room Color – Big and Beefy, Room Color – Thunderous, Room
Color – Small and Tight that if loaded in Ensemble and Solo will invoke GigaPulse SP.
How do I register Gigastudio if my computer is not online?
Copy the “registration.html” file located in C:\Program Files\Tascam\Gstudio directory to a
flash drive or any other portable medium. Take that file to your on-line computer and open
“registration.html” this will take you directly to the registration page with all of your
information pre-filled out. All you have to do then is click the submit button and check your
email for the unlock code.