Combine tracks (combine), Move tracks (move), Creating a group – Teac MD-CD1MKIII User Manual

Page 42: 10 – minidisc editing

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Combine tracks (COMBINE)

Two successive tracks can be combined into one track by

deleting the track mark of the second track.
Example: To combine B and C


Successive tracks recorded with different recording modes

cannot be combined into a single track.
1 Put the deck in play or in playback standby on the

second of the two tracks to be combined.

For example, if tracks 2 and 3 are to be combined,

play track 3 or put it in playback standby mode.

2 Select the


option on the EDIT sub-

menu of the MD menu.

Track OK?

is displayed, and a 3-second segment

from the end of the first track and a 3-second

segment from the start of the second track are

successively played back repeatedly to enable


3 Press the MULTI JOG dial (or the YES button) on the

front panel, or the ENT/YES button on the remote

After the tracks are combined,


is shown

on the display.


If tracks are combined, the track numbers of

subsequent tracks are decremented.
If both tracks have titles, the combined track will take

the title of the first of the two tracks.

Move tracks (MOVE)

Tracks can be moved to different positions in the playing

Example: To move D from track number 4 to track

number 2

1 Put the deck in play or in playback standby on the

track to be moved.


If the above step is not performed first, and the following

operations are performed while the deck is in stop mode,

the last track will automatically be selected as the track to

be moved.
2 Select the


option on the EDIT sub-menu of

the MD menu.

Move ***>###

“ is displayed, with


representing the number of the track to be moved,



representing the track number where it

will be moved.

3 Use the MULTI JOG dial on the front panel, or the

MENU –/+ button on the remote control to select

the track number where it will be moved.

4 Press the MULTI JOG dial (or the YES button) on the

front panel, or the ENT/YES button on the remote



is displayed.

5 Press the MULTI JOG dial (or the YES button) on the

front panel, or the ENT/YES button on the remote

After the track is moved,


is shown on the



If a track is moved, the track numbers are updated.

Creating a group

The MD-CD1MKIII enables tracks to be divided into

groups on a single MD disc for playback by group. Refer to

“MD group playback” on page 34.
A group is created by specifying track numbers of the

“starting” track and the “ending” track.
1 In stop mode, select the



from the EDIT sub-menu of the MD menu.

ST Trk> 001

is displayed. This shows the starting

track selection.

2 Use the MULTI JOG dial to select the starting track.
3 Press the MULTI JOG dial (or the YES button) on the

front panel, or the ENT/YES button on the remote


ED Trk>***

is displayed. This shows the ending

track selection.

4 Use the MULTI JOG dial to select the starting track.
5 Press the MULTI JOG dial (or the YES button) on the

front panel, or the ENT/YES button on the remote



is displayed.

6 Press the MULTI JOG dial (or the YES button) on the

front panel, or the ENT/YES button on the remote

After the specified group is created,



shown on the display.

10 – MiniDisc editing