TE Technology TC-720 User Manual
Page 51

An example of Ramp/Soak programming is provided in Appendix D.
Clicking the “READ PROGRAM” button will display the ramp/soak program that the controller has stored in EEPROM. You
can make changes as needed. Once the Ramp/Soak programming is completed, click the EXIT button. Then click the
“RAMP/SOAK OFF ON” button to ON to run the program. The program step and set point are displayed when the program
is running.
To exit out of the ramp/soak program before it has completed, click the “RAMP/SOAK ON OFF” switch to OFF. Alternatively,
you can click the on-board menu button
When a program has completed the controller will set the output% to zero. To run the program again, move the “RAMP /
SOAK ON OFF” switch to OFF. When you do this, the controller will return to “NORMAL SET” set mode. Next, change the
controller back to “RAMP/SOAK” set mode, and then move the “RAMP / SOAK ON OFF” switch to ON.
Again, because the RAMP/SOAK feature has not been fully verified to work properly, after you turn the “RAMP/SOAK ON
OFF” switch to OFF, you may want to shut down the controller software and then restart it before running the next
Ramp/Soak program.”
BE PATIENT when changing between set modes and turning the ramp soak switch on and off!
will take some time to respond to the selections. Change one sequence parameter at a time, and then wait for the
controller to respond before changing another parameter. When the controller responds you will see it the computer
screen flash “READING CONFIGURATION” along with a status bar as it sends and received data to and from the controller.
Wait for this to be completed before changing the next parameter.
Also, if you navigate away from the “CONFIGURE RAMP/SOAK” screen (for example, to view another program that is
running) then the “CONFIGURE RAMP/SOAK” screen may become buried at the bottom of the windows, including under
the TC-720 main screen. Avoid navigating away from this screen, or if you do navigate away be aware that you need to
minimize the other screens in Windows before you can see the “CONFIGURE RAMP/SOAK” screen.
The CONTROL SET TEMPERATURE information in the upper left portion of the program window will not update during a
Ramp / Soak program. That is the readout for the Set Temperature when in the Normal Set Mode. However, the set
temperature in the bottom right of the temperature graph will update.