Sundance SMT351T User Manual
Page 20

SMT351T User Guide
Page 20 of 37
Last Edited: 04/09/2009 11:26:00
4.2.14 LEDs
4 Red LEDs connect to the FPGA and are available to the User: D4, D5, D6, D7.
1 Green Led: D1, connects to the DONE pin of the FPGA and is lit to show that the FPGA is
configured. (depending on supply from manufacturer a red led can be fitted instead).
4.2.15 Performance
The FPGA features like speed grade and density dictate most performances.
The performances achievable by the other components are given in the chapters above and
the components respective data sheets.
4.3 Interface Description
For the TIM to carrier board or external world interfacing, see in
Sundance Help file
(that you
can download from the Sundance Wizzard)
4.3.1 Power Budget
The SMT351T draws its power from the 3.3v rail of the PCI.
The PCI specification stipulates that the maximum power for one card is 25W.
Therefore, the maximum current that the SMT351T could draw from +3.3V is 7.6A, assuming
zero current on all the other supply voltages.
But this limit is "system dependent," so a given system might not have the full 7.6A available
for a slot even if it is the only PCI card in the system.
A system might balance the power capabilities differently between the +5V and +3.3V (and +/-
12V) supplies, rather than making 25W available from +5V and 25W available from +3.3V.
As a result, check your main power supply ratings.
If your system is likely to reach 25W per power rail we advice that you provide extra power to
the carrier board using an external power supply.