Plain milling cutters, Side milling cutters, Slitting saws – Smithy Midas 1220 LTD User Manual
Page 84

Plain Milling Cutters
Plain milling cutters have teeth only on their periphery. Used to mill plain, flat surfaces,
they may combine with other cutters to produce various shapes. They are cylindrical and
come in many widths and diameters.
• Light-duty plain cutters for light cuts and fine feeds come in two forms. Narrow ones
have straight teeth parallel to the cutter axis. Wide ones have helical teeth at a 25° angle.
Features include ease of starting cuts, little chatter, and good surface finishes.
• Heavy-duty plain cutters, or coarse-tooth cutters come in larger widths and have larg-
er and fewer teeth. Strongly supported cutting edges and wide flutes provide strength
and space for heavy chip removal. The helix angle of their teeth is 25° to 45°.
• Helical plain milling cutters have even fewer and coarser teeth with a helix angle of
45-60° or greater. These cutters are for wide, shallow profiling cuts on brass or soft steel.
Side Milling Cutters
Similar to plain milling cutters, side milling cutters also have teeth on one or both sides.
The teeth on the periphery do most of the cutting; those on the sides finish the side of
the cut to size. They cut grooves or slots and often work with other cutters to mill
special shapes in one operation.
Figure 17.8 Side milling cutters are similar
to plain milling cutter, but they have
teeth on one or both sides
• Plain side milling cutters have straight teeth on the periphery and both sides. Side
teeth taper toward the center of the cutter, giving side relief or clearance.
• Half side milling cutters have helical teeth on the periphery and one side. These
cutters do heavy-duty face milling and straddle milling where teeth are needed on only
one side. The side teeth are deeper and longer for more chip clearance.
• Staggered-tooth side milling cutters are narrow cutters with teeth alternating on
opposite sides. There is less dragging and scoring and more space for chip removal.
These cutters do heavy-duty operations.
Slitting Saws
Slitting saws do narrow slotting and cut-off operations.
Midas 1220 LTD Operator’s Manual
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