Chapter 3, Caring for your machine – Smithy Midas 1220 LTD User Manual

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Chapter 3

Caring For Your Machine

Your machine is a delicate, precision tool with hardened ways and hand-scraped bearing

surfaces under the table and carriage. Any rust spot or battering of the ways, any chips

or grit between close-fitting parts, will affect the accuracy of this fine tool. Follow these

guidelines whenever you use your Smithy machine:


When you finish working, wipe machined surfaces with a clean, oily rag. Never leave

the machine without this thin film of protective oil all over parts that might rust,

especially ground finished parts.


Never lay wrenches, cutting tools, files, or other tools across the ways of your lathe.

The slightest dent or burr will impair its accuracy.


Before inserting collars, centers, adapters, or drawbar attachments in either the

spindle or tailstock spindle, wipe them a clean, oily rag. Also, wipe all internal surfaces

carefully with an oily rag on a ramrod. Chips or dirt on the centers or in the spindle nose

can scratch or mark surfaces and interfere with the assembled part’s alignment.


Lubricate the machine before each use as seen on Section 5.4.


Use good 10W 30 weight non-detergent oil on your machine.


Cover your machine to protect it from dust and moisture.


An old machinist trick is to leave camphor in the toolbox and on the machine to

prevent rust. Newer compounds that also protect machines that will unused for some

time are BoeShield, developed by the Boeing Company and CRC Lubricants. There are

also specialty oils that may be purchased.


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