Nortec Remote Interface User Manual
Page 23
Web Interface | 19
Table 10: BACnet Parameters
BACnet Parameter
Selects the protocol method for BACnet. Possibilities include BACnet IP, BACnet
MSTP, Off (default)
IP Port
Sets the IP Port the humidifier will use on the BACnet network. Select the desired
value using up/down arrows and press checkmark to save. (Default = 47808). Only
used in BACnet IP.
Sets the MAC address the humidifier will use on the BACnet MSTP network. Select
the desired value (Default = 79).
Device name
Used to set a name of the humidifier.
Device DESC
Used to set a description of the humidifier.
Device Location
Used to set a location of the humidifier.
Node ID
Sets the node ID the humidifier will use on the BACnet network. Select the
desired value using up/down arrows and press checkmark to save. (Default = 79).
Table 11: Modbus Parameters
Modbus Parameter
Enables the Modbus communication protocol. Off = disabled, On = enabled
Connection parity
Sets the parity that the humidifier will use for communicating on the
Modbus network. Select the desired parity and press checkmark to save.
(Default = Even).
Modbus address
The Modbus address that has been assigned to the humidifier on the
network. (Default = 10).
Baud rate
Odd/Even Sets the baud rate the humidifier will use for communicating on the
Modbus network. Select the desired baud rate and press checkmark to save.
(Default = 9600).
Note: *Modbus and BACnet MSTP embedded can only be enabled individually
Table 12: Nortec Online Parameters
Nortec Online
Online Service
Enables the Online service. See the Nortec Online specific manual for a detailed
procedure on configuring Nortec Online with the NH-EL
Id used for server identification
The status of the Nortec Online connection.
Disconnected: connection not established
Used for the registration portion of Nortec online.
See the Nortec Online specific manual for a detailed procedure on configuring
Nortec Online with the NH-EL