Ch 3 - configuring pointscan/100 i/o, Pointscan/440 remote i/o setup module, Overview – Measurement Computing PointScan 100 Series rev.1.0 User Manual

Page 17: Rs232 wiring, Rs232 mode selection, 3 - configuring pointscan/100 i/o, Pointscan/440, Remote i/o setup module, Rs232 wiring -1 rs232 mode selection -2, Configuring pointscan/100 i/o 3

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PointScan/100 User’s Manual


Configuring PointScan/100 I/O 3-1

Configuring PointScan/100 I/O


This section documents the following module:



Remote I/O Setup Module


This setup tool is recommended to initially configure each PointScan/100 and/or PointScan/200 module. To
use the setup module, simply unplug any PointScan/100 or PointScan/200 module from its base and insert
the setup module into the base.


PointScan/100 and PointScan/200 “smart bases” allow hot swap of live modules -- an exclusive

IOtech feature that makes it permissible to configure PointScan/100 and PointScan/200 modules in live

The PointScan/100 or PointScan/200 module configuration you created the IO Toolkit program will be
written into permanent memory in the module’s base. When the PointScan/100 or PointScan/200 module
is reinserted into its base, the module will find and upload the configuration information, instantly
configure itself and begin scanning I/O.

Once a PointScan/100 or PointScan/200 module has been configured with an appropriate station address
and IP address (PointScan/100 only), modified configuration data can be downloaded through the Ethernet
port or RS485 port into the module base.

More information on the Remote I/O Setup Module can be found in the online help system of the IO

RS232 Wiring

Connect the setup module to your Windows PC using a standard Serial (RS232) cable [CA-22]. Only the
transmit (TD), receive (RD) and common return (GND) signals are actively used. The RS232 port on this
configuration tool is electrically isolated to protect your computer in the event of field wiring errors. The
setup module runs on the DC power connected to terminals 17 and 18 of the module base it is plugged into.
No other connections are required. I/O wiring can be left undisturbed.

RS232 Mode Selection

This module always communicates to the host PC at 9600 baud, with no parity and eight data bits. Be sure
to select “Use Setup Module’s Settings” as the communication device selection in the IO Toolkit program.

PointScan/100 I/O modules only

PointScan/100 I/O with PointScan/200 I/O expansion modules