Main window toolbar, Channel setup buttons – Measurement Computing DaqView for DaqTemp Applications User Manual
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DaqTemp Applications
1108-0902, rev 2.0
DaqView, pg. 3
Main Window Toolbar
Each item in the main window toolbar has its own icon and is accessible from the pull-down menu. Placing
the cursor on the icon and clicking the mouse button enables the tool or opens the corresponding window.
When a function does not apply, the toolbar button will be grayed-out.
Main Window Toolbar Items
Item Description
Displays the DaqView Channel Display window.
2 Bar
Displays a bar graph meter.
Analog Meters
Displays an analog dial meter.
Digital Meters
Displays a digital meter.
5 Start
Starts displaying data in the Reading column and any open Chart or Meters window.
6 Stop
Stops displaying data in the Reading column and any open Chart or Meters window.
View File Data
Launches eZ-PostView, an independent post-data acquisition program.
The eZ-PostView application is covered by separate documentation.
Analog Output
Displays the Analog Output window of the DAC channels, as applicable. DaqTemp7 and
DaqTemp14 have no DACs. DaqTemp7A has two DACs. DaqTemp14A has four DACs.
Digital I/O
Displays the Digital I/O window.
Displays the Counter/Timer window.
Waveform &
Pattern Output
Displays the Arbitrary Waveform and Streamed Output windows.
Activates an acquisition of data to a file.
Channel Setup Buttons
These five buttons are not a part of the main window toolbar. Instead, they reside just above the
spreadsheet on the Channel Setup tab. The reason is that they only affect the channel spreadsheet.
Show All Channels, Hide Inactive Channels
These toolbar buttons collapse or expand the Analog & Scanned Digital Inputs spreadsheet to show all
channels, whether active or not, or to hide those that are inactive. These commands are also available from
the Edit pull-down menu.
Turn All Visible Channels On, Turn All Visible Channels Off
These toolbar buttons can turn all the channels ON or OFF at a single stroke. This feature is convenient
during setup and troubleshooting or if only 1 or 2 channels must be set differently from the rest. Both these
commands are also available from the Edit pull-down menu as Make All Channels Active and Make All
Channels Inactive.
Channel Readings
This toolbar item enables/disables the Reading column of the Analog and Scanned Digital Input spreadsheet
to provide a numeric view of incoming data. This function toggles on and off when the button is repeatedly
selected. Some windows require the Reading column to be disabled while changing channels or other
parameters. This command is available from the Data pull-down menu as Enable Input Reading Column.