Acquire – Measurement Computing DaqView for DaqTemp Applications User Manual
Page 20

DaqView, pg. 18
DaqTemp Applications
For DaqTemp7A and DaqTemp14A only:
Selecting the Streaming Output tab brings
up the window to configure continuous
streamed output via one or more DACs, or
digital outputs via the P3 16-bit port.
• Analog or digital output is chosen
from the Data Selection section of the
Streamed Output window.
• The Data Source section selects the
file name and type (ASCII or binary).
• Within the Output Control section, you
can select to send all samples or a
portion, and whether to continuously
repeat or stop after a specified count.
• The clock source can be an internal or
external DAC clock, or an internal or
external pacer clock.
• The Start button initiates a streamed
Waveform & Digital Pattern Output
Streaming Output Tab Selected
The Acquire selection activates an acquisition of data to file. The Event option under the Trigger Setup
portion of the Main window determines when the Acquire process is initiated. The Event selections are
detailed in the Acquisition Setup section of this chapter. After Acquire is selected, the process is automatic
beginning with the DaqView Armed screen. This screen posts the Trigger Armed time as well as the
Trigger Event information. The Acquire process makes use of the Data File Setup parameters to format
data collection.
Once the Trigger Event occurs, the DaqView Triggered screen appears. This screen allows you to witness
the data sampling parameters you set in the Main window prior to initiating the Acquire process as well as
the progress of the data acquisition.
If file conversion is selected, the Acquire process concludes by converting the generated .BIN file from
binary to ASCII data. The resulting file is saved under a user-specified directory and file name or, by
default, under the DaqView subdirectory as DAQV.TXT. This .TXT file is available for data processing or
analysis by various software packages such as DaqViewXL.