Measurement Computing DaqBoard-ISA User Manual

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DaqBooard-ISA User’s Manual



Table of Contents

1 -

Daq Systems, a Brief Overview

Daq Systems, the Modular Concept ……1-1
DaqBooks, DaqBoards, & Daq PC-Cards….1-2
Using DBK Cards & Modules for Signal

Conditioning …1-3

Daq Software …… 1-3

2 –

Setup and Startup

Configure the ISA-DaqBoard ……2-2
Make ISA-DaqBoard Connections…... 2-4
Install Software and Product Support Documentation …… 2-4
Test Hardware…… 2-5

3 –

A Closer Look at DaqBoard-ISA Hardware

Overview …… 3- 1
Performance Factors …… 3-1
Switches and Jumpers …… 3-3

Base Address (SW1) …… 3-3
External Analog Expansion Power (JP1) …… 3-4
DAC Reference Selection (JP2) …… 3-4
DMA and Interrupt Selection (JP8) …… 3-5

Connections …… 3- 5

P1, DB37 Pinout, Analog I/O …… 3-7
P2, DB37 Pinout, Digital I/O …… 3-8
P3, DB37 Pinout, Pulse/Frequency/High-Speed Digital I/O …… 3-9

DBK Basics

(Document Module)

Introduction…… 1
How Do DBKs Connect to the Data Acquisition Device? …… 2

Connecting DBKs to DaqBooks, ISA-Type DaqBoards, and LogBooks …… 2
Connecting DBKs to Daq PC-Cards ……3
Connecting DBKs to DaqBoard/2000 Series and cPCI DaqBoard/2000c

Series Boards …… 4

DBK Identification Tables ….. 5

Analog Output DBKs …… 5
Digital I/O Control DBKs …… 5
Analog Signal Conditioning DBKs …… 5
Expansion and Terminal Panel Connection DBKs …… 6
Power Supply DBKs …… 6

Tips on Setting up a Data Acquisition System …… 7
Power Supplies and Power Connectors ……8
An Introduction to Power-Related DBKs ….. 9
Calculating Your System’s Power Needs …… 11
Additional Reading ….. 13

Appendix A -

Specifications, ISA-Type DaqBoards