Remote chirp muting (3-button remote only) – Directed Electronics 3000 User Manual

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When you remote siren silence, the siren will either chirp 1 or 3 times.

1-chirp indicates that the system is still armed, and that all
zones are inactive and being monitored.

3-chirps indicate that the system is still armed, and that at
least one zone is still active and being bypassed.



OTTEE:: If 3-chirps sound the input that is bypassed will remain bypassed until the

activation ceases.

remote chirp muting (3-button remote only)

To temporarily turn off the arm or disarm chirps, use remote chirp mut-

ing. Simply press

on the remote (3-button remote only), and

the confirmation chirp(s) will be eliminated for that one operation only.

The parking lights will flash to confirm the arm/disarm command. If you

want the arm/disarm chirps turned off permanently, please refer to the

User-Selectable Features section of this guide.