Notice loop lengths – Infloor Infloorboard User Manual

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Infloorboard™ Application & Installation Manual



For simple and fast installation, it is highly recommended that a full

Infloorboard™ layout be used, indicating the precise panel and tubing layout.

This can be provided by the National Radiant Design Center (See Design servic-

es). A full plan is recommended for the first few jobs. Contact your

Infloorboard™ distributor about getting a layout and a design. The following

calculations can be used for estimating the required number of boards. For expe-

rienced installers, calculate the net square footage of each room and multiply by

the following factors: Straight – 0.133 Utility – 0.028 Combo End – 0.028

Example: For a 600 Sq. ft. room, multiplying 600 by 0.133 gives approximately

80 straight boards. Multiplying 600 by 0.028 gives 17 Utility pieces.

Multiplying 600 by 0.028 gives 17 Combo end pieces. It is always recommend-

ed that an additional 10% material excess be added to the estimation.

Infloorboard™ is designed for use with 3/8” nominal ASTM

F-876 PEX (cross-linked polyethylene), with an average

outer diameter measuring 0.5 inch. Loops shall never be

over 250 feet including the leaders to the manifolds. For

areas with heat loss greater than 25 BTU/Sq.Ft., loops shall

never be over 200 ft. This is due to high pressure drops and

water velocity, as shown in the following chart C-2* (grayed

area over 25 BTU/Sq. Ft). Friction losses in the chart are

approximate; actual friction losses depend on fluid viscosity

and temperature.

*The shaded area in the 250’ loop chart C-2 on the follow-

ing page indicates a high pressure drop. It is recommended

to use the shorter 200’ loop length in this case, as shown in

the second chart. Once the room square footage is determined, multiply the total

by 1.5. Example: For a 600 Sq.Ft. room, multiplying 600 by 1.5 gives 900 line-

al feet of 3/8” PEX tubing. This room would require 4 loops at 225 ft. each.

Alternatively, three 250 foot loops and one 150 foot loop could be used, provid-

ed that the flow to the different loops is balanced by using, and adjusting

correctly, balancing valves on each loop.

Notice Loop Lengths

Notice that loop

lengths should never

be over 250’ , for heat

loss areas over 25

BTU/Sq.Ft., loop

lengths should not be

over 200’

Since the tubing is 8”

on center, a 250’ loop

will cover a maximum

of 166 Sq.Ft. A 200’

loop will cover a max-

imum of 133 Sq.Ft.

Remember to allow

for the length to the
