Page separation – Hoefer SE900 User Manual
Page 22

• p16
Page Separation
Remove the safety lid.
Fill the tank with 12 liters of 1X electrophoresis buffer. This can be
prepared in the separation tank by adding 10X stock and water. Gently
raise and lower the PAGE rack to aid in mixing in buffer.
Turn on the circulation pumps. The toggle switch is located on the
lower right side of the SE900.
Fully insert the PAGE rack to the bottom of the separation tank,
making sure the keying features are aligned.
Insert gels into the slots in the PAGE rack. There is one specific orien-
tation for the gel cassettes. The rubber hinge should be on the bottom
of the separation tank. The sealed IPG strip should be on the left, the
side with the black safety interlock, and the black high voltage lead in
the safety lid (Fig 18).
Check that both ends of the gel are exposed to the buffer. The glass
plates should be centered (Fig 19).
Good positioning, centered between flaps.
Caution! Do not run the circulation pumps
without buffer in the separation tank.
Caution! Glass cassettes will not easily
slide into a dry tank. Fill with buffer first
and use water or buffer to help lubricate
the glass cassettes and rubber flaps.
Fig 19. Gel orientation.
Bad positioning, flap seals closed at end of gel, current cannot get to gel.