Separation tank – Hoefer SE900 User Manual

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Separation Tank

The Separation tank is transparent to allow visualization of the track-
ing dyes during electrophoresis.

The chamber base contains a ceramic cooling surface which helps
to efficiently cool the buffer within the tank. Care should be taken
not to drop ANYTHING directly on the ceramic plate.
A pump
system forces buffer across the cooling surface and circulates the
buffer through the center region of the tank, maintaining a constant
temperature in the gel cassettes. Cooling ports can be attached to a
temperature regulated recirculating water bath for active cooling of
the separation tank.

The recirculating water bath should have a maximum output pressure
of 12 psi. Use ONLY water or up to a 50% mixture of ethylene glycol
in water in the recirculating bath.

Never connect to an unregulated source of water such as a tap water.

Fig 3. Separation tank.

Caution! Never use water/alcohol mixtures
or commercial antifreeze as the coolant in
the recirculating water bath. This will cause
irreparable damage to the separation tank.

Note: The separation tank is chemically
resistant to common electrophoretic buffers,
but not to organic solvents or strong acids
and alkali.

Temperatures above 45 °C may cause
acrylic to warp.

Note: There is no need for a magnetic stir
bar. The pumps circulate the buffer evenly.

Note: A light layer of gel seal has been
applied inside the guide channels in the
separation tank to allow the PAGE rack
to slide into the tank easily. Do not wash
off. Reapply as needed, see Instructions
page 9, Gel Seal.

PAGE Rack Channel