Harken 2698 T2 Soft-Attach 18 mm Block User Manual
Page 4

For additional safety, maintenance and warranty information see www.harken.com/manuals or the
Harken catalog.
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Securing Block to End of Larger Line
Do not use supplied HCP1438 line. Use a larger, stronger line that exceeds the block's breaking load to
account for loss of strength due to weakness of knots, UV damage or chafing. Run line through head,
through mouth, and out head.
Secure with a bowline with end whipped to loop so it stays secure. Consult knot tying book or see
Securing Block to End of Larger Line
Securing Block to Large Diameter Object
When running line around large-diameter object such as a boom, cross line each time you pass around
the object. Block 2161: Use sailmaker’s twine or small zip tie to secure lashing strands to head. Use twine or
zip tie to hold lashing strands crossed.
Important! If lashing line is pushing outwards on head, it can break the block. Check to make sure
each lap crosses separately as shown in the photo at left below.
Harken equipment is designed for minimal maintenance. However, some upkeep is required to give
the best service and comply with the Harken limited warranty.
Keep your equipment clean and free-running by frequently flushing with fresh water. Periodically
clean with mild detergent and water solution. Spin sheaves to distribute soap solution evenly.
Flush with fresh water.
IMPORTANT! Exposure to some teak cleaners and other caustic solutions can result in discoloration
of part and is not covered under the Harken warranty.
Inspect Line Every Time You Sail
Inspect lashing line for chafe or UV damage every time you sail. Replace
damaged line immediately. Replace line with no visible damage every
two-years. Use Harken replacement line, but if using own line, see “Using
Alternate Line, Knots and Splices” and chart on back page for important
information to help you select the correct line.