Operation, Paging with advance head end, Paging without advance head end – GAI-Tronics ICS Zone 2/22 Weatherproof Page/Party Station User Manual
Page 15: Station time-out features, Emergency party line (epl)

Pub. 42004-734L2D
ICS Zone 2/22 Weatherproof Page/Party
Page 13 of 33
f:\standard ioms - current release\42004 instr. manuals\42004-734l2d.doc
Paging with ADVANCE Head End
Paging and party line operation with the ICS SmartSeries option is similar to standard station operation.
The main differences are that when the handset pressbar or the headset page switch is pressed, a steady
“wait” tone will be heard in the handset/headset earpiece. When the “wait” tone ends, a pre-
announcement tone, if programmed, will sound, and the operator may place their page. If the system is
busy and the page is denied, the user will hear a busy tone in the handset/headset earpiece.
Paging without ADVANCE Head End
Paging and party line operation will be similar to standard station operation with the addition of an
optional pre-announcement tone being generated by the station at the beginning of each page.
Station Time-out Features
The ICS SmartSeries option supports a page duration limit that sets the maximum duration of each page.
If the page is still active when the page duration limit is reached, the page will be terminated. When used
without an ADVANCE head end, the page duration limit is fixed at 2 minutes.
The ICS SmartSeries option supports an off-hook limit that sets the maximum duration that the station
may be kept off hook. If the off-hook limit is reached, the station will be placed electrically on hook. To
reset the timeout condition, the handset must be physically placed on hook momentarily. When used
without an ADVANCE head end, the off-hook limit is fixed at 8 minutes.
Emergency Party Line (EPL)
When connected to an ADVANCE control cabinet, the EPL option enables the ICS SmartSeries Station
to automatically report the following information when the handset is taken off-hook.
Zone number
Station address
Party line (1 or 2)