Fluke Biomedical ProSim 4 User Manual

Page 44

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ProSim™ 4
Users Manual



A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. Used to measure electrical

current and light, especially ultraviolet radiation (as in fluorescent light).


A measure of the total opposition to current in a circuit.


A unit of energy, equal to the work done when a current of one ampere is passed

through a resistance of one ohm for one second.


The fundamental unit of mass in the International System, about 2.2046 pounds.


Liquid crystal display. A digital display consisting of a liquid crystal material

between sheets of glass that becomes readable in the presence of an applied



The fundamental unit of length, equivalent to 39.37 inches, in the metric system.


One-thousandth of a volt.

Multiple PVCS: Paired PVCS; Run 5 PVCS; Run 11 PVCS

Three series of multiple PVCs run as one-time (nonrepeating) events. The term

multiple PVCs refers to any condition where two or more PVCs occur in a row.

Standard PVCs of this type include a pair of PVCs (also known as a couplet), a

run of five PVCs in a row, and a run of eleven PVCs in a row.


The thick muscular layer of the heart, located between the endocardium at the

inside and the epicardium at the outside walls of the heart.


One-billionth (10


) of a meter.


One billionth (10


) of a second (one thousand-millionth of a second). Electricity

travels approximately one foot per nanosecond.

Nodal Rhythm

Normal rhythm, but with a P wave that originates in the AV node, and a P-R

interval that is very short. Nodal rhythm, also referred to as junctional rhythm or

junctional escape, is a condition where the predominant pacemaker is the AV

node rather than the SA node.


Not tending to spread; especially, not tending to invade healthy tissue.


A unit of electrical resistance equal to that of a conductor in which a current of

one ampere is produced by a potential of one volt across its terminals.

Patient Leads

Cables that connect a patient directly with the monitor. Sometimes called applied
