3 burst messages – Flowserve MX HART Field Unit User Manual

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MX/QX HART Field Unit FCD LMENIM2340-00 – 1/14

11. The value returned in the response data bytes reflects the rounded or truncated value actually used by the device for the Zero value.
12. This trim is typically performed by adjusting the Loop Current to 20.00 milliamperes and sending the measured value to the Field Device. In response the Field Device

trims its calibration of the Loop Current to match the value received from the Master. Response Code 9 “Incorrect Loop Current Mode or Value” will be returned if the

device is not in the proper mode to allow the Loop Current to be calibrated or if the current is not set to exactly the maximum value.

13. The value returned in the response data bytes reflects the rounded or truncated value actually used by the device for the Gain value.
14. Command 56 write device variable transducer serial number can also be used to write the PV transducer serial number if device variable code 0 (position setpoint) is


15. See Section 3.4 Device Variables for more information on Device Variables and mapping. Note: the Device Variable Assignment is made by the Device Variable Code


16. Note: only Device Variables 3 and 4 may have their units code changed. See 3.4.3 Device Variable Units for more information. Response Code 11 “Invalid Device Variable

Code” will be returned if an invalid Device Variable Code is requested (Device Variable codes 0-4). Response Code 12 “Invalid Units Code” will be returned if the units

code is not valid for the given Device Variable Code.

17. The update time period indicates the maximum period between Device Variable updates.
18. This command sets the number of asynchronous 0xFF preamble bytes to be sent by a device before the start of a response message. This value may be set to no smaller

than 5 and no greater than 20.

19. There is one analog channel with analog channel number code of 0 which is linked to the Primary Variable.
20. Percent of Range always follows the Analog Level even if it is set to a value. The Upper and Lower Range Values maps the Analog Level to the percent of Range. As a

result the Percent of Range is not limited to values between 0% and 100%, but tracks the Analog Level to Transducer Limits when they are defined.

21 The Upper Range Value may be set lower than the Lower Range Value, enabling the device to be operated with a reversed signaling polarity.
22. A level containing NAN or “0x7F, 0xA0, 0x00, 0x00”, with any units code exits the fixed analog channel mode. The device will also exit fixed analog channel mode when

power is removed from the device or the device is reset.

23. The value returned in the response data bytes reflects the rounded or truncated value actually used by the device.
24. This command can be used to receive multiple read commands in one read for faster command reads.
25. Normally a host should send this command multiple times while measuring average latency. Each time the host will adjust the Time of Day value compensating for the

communication latency. This will be repeated until communication latency affects are characterized and its effect on setting the real time clock is minimized.

26. See Appendix D for additional details on how this command works dependent upon this code.
27. Should be set to 0, Two bytes to ensure request and response take equal amounts of time (compensates for transmission time of Response Code and Device Status in


28. Reads the real time clock including the current time as estimated by the device and the last time the clock was set. The device must answer with the internal time at which

the request was received. If the clock has not been set then the last time set must be initialized to midnight (00:00) 01 January, 1900.

29. See section “3.2 HART Parameters” for maximum number of trends and trend buffer size.
30. Maximum is 2 hour; one trend per day i.e. 0x0DBBA000
31. When a change in configuration is detected (change of Trend Control Code, Device Variable or Update Interval), the device will clear the ring buffer and initialize all values

to NaN (0x7FA00000) and the status set to BAD-Fixed (0x30) before starting the trend.

32. When the trend is not enabled the device shall return the data last collected with the corresponding date and time. The Response Code shall be set to 8 – Trend not


33. The communications statistics are volatile and reset to zero only on power-up or board reset. All counts must wrap to zero on overflow.
34. Please see sections “3.5.3 Burst Messages” for configuration details of Burst Mode.
35. In 1/32 of a millisecond - Update period must not exceed 3600 seconds. The device must publish data at this rate as long as the trigger conditions in command 104 are


36. In 1/32 of a millisecond – Maximum update period must not exceed 3600 seconds. The device must publish at this rate when the trigger conditions configured in

command 104 are not met.

37. The value returned in the response data bytes reflects the value actually used by the device. If the update time had to be adjusted by the device, the response will reflect

the adjusted value. See section “3.5.3 Burst Messages” for more information about update rates.

38. If command 2 “Read Loop Current and Percent of Range” is selected the Device Variable Classification must be 0 and the Engineering Units “Percent” (0x39 or

57 decimal).

39. Note: if there are no request data bytes then this byte must return the LS Byte of the burst command number.
40. If a slot is not configured to transmit a Device Variable that slot must return “250” not used. If command 9 is to be burst then the slot’s Device Variable Code must meet

the requirements found in command 9.

41. See section “3.5.3 Burst Messages” for a list of commands supported for Burst Messaging. Note: if the trigger mode is non-zero in command 104 (not Continuous) and

the trigger source’s Device Variable Classification does not match for the new command number the new command number will be accepted and Response Code 8 “Burst

Condition Conflict” will be returned. The HART device shall correct the classification, correct the unit codes, and reset the trigger mode to 0 (Continuous) and publish

continuously at the update period until it receives another command 104.

42. See section “3.5.3 Burst Messages” for more information on configuring Burst Messages. Note: This command affects Data Link Layer operation. All Data Link Layer

requirements for entering and exiting burst mode must be met.

43. See section “3.5.4 Event Notification” for more information about Event Notifications.
44. The MX/QX Hart device supports one Event Notification which is identified as Event Notification Number 0.
45. The value shall be set to 0xFFFFFFFF when no events are pending.
46. This is the concatenation of the mask for triggering on bits set in Device Status and Command 48 Response. The command can be truncated after the last byte in the

Event Mask.

47. The concatenation of the mask for triggering on bits set in Device Status and Command 48 Response. The request is truncated after the last byte containing a trigger-able

event. Bytes that are truncated assume a bit mask value of zero. Therefore, any byte not included shall not trigger an event notification. Furthermore, the truncated bytes

shall not be included in the notification generated using the command 119 response.

48. The return and update times must be selected as specified in section “ Update Periods”. The retry period must be less than or equal to the maximum update


49. Value will be set to -1 when no events are pending.
50. The two letter country code in accordance with ISO.

3.5.3 Burst Messages

In this mode, the Limitorque MX/QX field device will publish the response to a command continuously without any
further Master or Host action. All masters must arbitrate correctly when a burst-mode field device is present on the

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