Introduction – D-Link DIR-455 User Manual
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D-Link DIR-455 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
The D-Link HSDPA 3.5G Mobile Communication Router allows users to access worldwide mobile broadband
networks. Once connected, users can transfer data, stream media, send SMS messages, and make mobile phone
calls. Simply insert your UMTS/HSDPA SIM card, and share your 3.5G Internet connection through a secure
802.11g wireless network or using any of the four 10/100 Ethernet ports.
While accessing your 3.5G Internet connection, you will still have the ability to answer incoming mobile calls and
respond to SMS messages. An RJ-11 jack allows you to attach a standard analog phone for high-quality mobile
calls over a GSM network. Enjoy the comfort and convenience of your favorite office phone anywhere you go.
Keep your wireless network safe with WPA/WPA2 wireless encryption. The DIR-455 utilizes dual-active firewalls
(SPI and NAT) to prevent potential attacks across the Internet, and supports up to five concurrent IPSec VPN
The 3.5G Mobile Communication Router can be installed quickly and easily almost anywhere. This router is great
for situations where an impromptu wireless network must be set up, or wherever conventional network access is
unavailable. The DIR-455 can even be installed in buses, trains, or boats, allowing passengers to check e-mail or
chat online while commuting.