Installation & mounting / front panel controls 7 – Drake MEQ1000A Multiplexing Hybrid QAM Modulator User Manual
Page 7
Installation & Mounting / Front Panel Controls 7
This equipm ent is des igned to be ins talled in a standard 19” rack . A built in fan provides air m ovem ent through the unit.
W hen c onnec ting an inc oming RF signal s ource to tw o DTD1000 modules , note that the antenna or CATV s ourc e m us t be c on-
nec ted to both the A and B input c onnec tors . Thes e inputs are k ept s eparate in c as e the inputs need to c om e from different
antennas or one antenna and one CATV s ourc e.
Connec t the AC line c ord to an appropriate s ourc e of 120 volt, 50/60 Hz AC pow er. The MEQ1000A is alw ays on onc e the AC
pow er cord is c onnec ted to its pow er s ourc e.
F1 F2
F5 F6 F7
0.000 M bi ts/S
F1, LCD Display – This dis play pres ents the selected
m enu sc reen and the param eter s ettings . The bac klight in
the dis play is on w hen pow er is applied.
During operation, the S/N (s ignal to nois e ratios ) of the
dem odulator input signals are dis played. For 8VSB inputs ,
the thres hold is about 15 dB. For QAM inputs , the thres h-
old is about 23 dB for 64QAM and 27 dB for 256QAM. You
s hould maintain a S/N several dB above thes e thres holds for
reliable operation.
F2, ENTER Button – Us e the ENTER button to enter the
adjus t mode or to s ave and load a new s etting or s ettings
after adjus tm ent. Hold for 2 s econds until the bottom line of
the dis play s tarts to flas h to enter the adjus t m ode. After
entering the adjus t mode, m omentarily press ing the ENTER
button again will load and save any s ettings that m ay have
been c hanged using the F5 & F6 buttons .
F3 & F4,
◄ (Left) and ► (Right) Buttons – Use the left
and right arrow buttons to navigate from sc reen to sc reen
to view a param eter s etting. Thes e buttons are operational
in the view m ode or the adjus t m ode. Us ing only these
buttons will not c hange any param eter s ettings . After a
s hort period of button inac tivity, the default dis play will
be returned.
F5 & F6,
▲ (Up) and ▼ (Down) Buttons – Use the dow n
and up arrow buttons to c hange the value of a view ed
param eter s etting. The unit m us t be in the adjus t mode w ith
the dis play flas hing in order for thes e buttons to bec ome
ac tive for c hanging a param eter s etting. If the unit is not in
the adjus t m ode, pres sing the up button will display the
firmw are vers ion num ber or pressing the down button w ill
dis play the output QAM s ym bol rate.
F7 & F8,
◄ Select ► Buttons - Use the left or right
Select arrow buttons to s elec t w hich s ec tion of the unit to
c ontrol. Selec t one of the input m odules or the QAM
m odulator / up c onverter s ec tion.