Drake MEQ1000A Multiplexing Hybrid QAM Modulator User Manual
Page 10

This s ec tion provides additional details regarding the
s elec table items s hown in the ‘adjus t’ m ode on the
Software Flow Chart on page 8.
(For Specific EAS and DT A Settings, Refer to Page 14)
UNIT ID: Selec t the desired unit identification number w hen
c onnec ting the 'RS232 IN' c onnec tor to a PC or m odem for
rem ote c ontrol us ing 'Drake Remote Control Softw are'.
Num bers 1 thru 63 m ay be us ed. If zero (0) is s elec ted, the
PC will ignore the unit.
RS232 BAUD R ATE : This s etting determ ines the baud
rate at w hic h the MEQ1000 c omm unic ates with the rem ote
PC. Settings available are 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19,200.
All units 'dais y c hained' to the rem ote PC or modem m us t
be s et to the s ame baud rate.
MULTIPLEX: This s etting determines w hether the Input
Module Slot A input is to be m ultiplexed w ith a s ec ond
input (if ins talled). Selec t Input Module Slot A to ac tivate the
A Input Module onl y. Selec t Input Module Slot B to ac tivate
the B input m odule only. To turn on the m ultiplex func tion
s elec t ENABLED. If either A or B Input m odule is s elected,
the next m enu w ill be the QAM MODE menu. You m ay s kip
to that paragraph, below .
INPUT B OFFSET:W hen the Input Module Slot B or AS I
input has been ins talled and s elec ted in the MULTIPLEX
m enu, this m enu will be pres ent. Bec aus e the tw o inc oming
trans port s treams are lik ely to have o verlapping us e of
MPEG program numbers , the MEQ1000 w ill pass the
program num bers from input A unc hanged and an offs et,
equal to the value c hos en in this m enu, will be added to the
program num ber of programs from the s ec ond input. This
s am e offs et value w ill als o be added to the m inor c hannel
num ber in the VCT table for programs from the s ec ond
input s ourc e. Us ually an offs et of 10 will be adequate but if
you k now there are programs in the signal input to input A
us ing program numbers above 10, a higher offs et m ay be
required. Values betw een 10 and 90, in inc rem ents of 10,
are available for s elec tion. W hen it is k now n that there is
no overlap betw een input A and input B stream program
num bers , a 0 offs et s etting c an be us ed. Be c autious if this
is the s elec tion that is c hos en.
MPEG PROGRAMS : This m enu provides s elec tions to
determine w hic h program s are m ultiplexed to form the new
m ultiprogram trans port stream output that w ill be s upplied
to the QAM m odulator s ec tion. Choos e the SELECT ALL
PROGS s etting to multiplex all program s from inputs A
and B up to 20 program s m axim um . If more than 20 exis t,
you m us t us e SELECT PROGRAMS and only selec t 20
m aximum .
It is the operator's res ponsibility to be s ure that the total
data rate of these program s does not exc eed the m aximum
data rate for the output QAM m ode that will be us ed,
typic ally 26.98 Mbps for 64QAM or 38.8 Mbps for 256QAM
in ITUB m odes . If the sum of input bitrates w ould exc eed
this amount, or if more than 20 program s are pres ent,
s om e program s will have to be dropped from the lis t of
s elec ted programs .
Choos e the SELECT PROGRAMS s etting to allow the
operator to pick w hic h program s from the A and B inputs are
to be inc luded in the output m ultiplex.
NOTE: At this point you m ay proc eed through the rem aining
m enus , below , before press ing the ENTER button to load the
s elec ted data OR you m ay pres s ENTER now and then come
bac k to the res t of the menus . In any c as e, w hen the ENTER
button is pres sed, one of the follow ing tw o actions w ill occ ur:
A) If SELECT ALL PROGS has been s elec ted, the MEQ1000A
w ill now read PAT tables from the tw o input s tream s and dis -
c over w hic h MPEG programs are defined. If you w ish to view
the MPEG program num bers of programs that w ere found, fol-
low the proc edure below :
In order to s ee the MPEG program num bers of inc om -
ing s treams , the following proc edure c an be follow ed:
1) Pres s the ENTER button for 2 s ec onds to enter pro-
gram m ode. Release button. Dis play w ill be flashing.
2) Pres s the ENTER k ey again and hold. By c ontinuing
to hold in the ENTER button, the following dis play will
be s low ed dow n s o that program numbers c an be read
as they sc roll by.
3) A sc reen will be dis played that indic ates :
PMT PROG A xxxx or PMT PROG B xxxx.
4) The xx xx field w ill be a num ber that corres ponds to
the MPEG program num ber of a program found in the
PMT table for the indic ated (A or B) input. As the button
is held, all entries for input A will sc roll past and then
entries for input B w ill sc roll pas t.
5) Releas e button and if nec essary repeat s teps 1 - 4.
B) If SELECT PROGRAMS w as c hos en, the unit w ill read
the PAT tables from both inputs and then dis play:
MPEG PROG XXXXX: (XXXXX is a num ber from 00001 to
65535) on the top line of the dis play. Us ing the right and
left arrow k eys , you c an sc roll through all 65535 pos sible
program num bers.
Don't be alarm ed by the large num ber of poss ibilities
bec aus e if the arrow key is held dow n, the sc rolling w ill
s peed up s o all 65535 poss ible num bers c an be sc anned in a
s hort tim e - any time an entry is found at a given program
num ber, the sc rolling w ill s low dow n to give the operator tim e
to s ee it and s top sc rolling, if des ired. Us ually, all programs
are k now n to be num bered betw een 01 and 20.
For eac h MPEG program num ber, dis played on the top line,
the bottom line, on the right, will indic ate A, B, AB, or nothing.
This w ill indic ate that the program number on the top line was
found in input A or B or AB for both or not in either one if
blank .
To s elec t program s to be inc luded in the output multiplex,
us e the up and dow n arrow k eys to s elec t NOT SELECTED,
us ed, then this program num ber w ill not be pres ent in the
output and any program s with this program num ber that are
pres ent in the A or B inputs w ill be filtered out. If INPUT A is
s elec ted, the A input program only is used.