18 service / if you need to call for help – Drake MEQ1000A Multiplexing Hybrid QAM Modulator User Manual

Page 18

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18 Service / If You Need to Call for Help


A Return Material Authorization (RMA) Number is required on ALL PRODUCT RETURNS (re-
gardless if product is being returned for repair or credit). Product received at the factory with-
out a RMA Number w ill be returned to sender.

RMA numbers m us t be used w hen returning product for c redit or repair. Us e of RMA num bers will ens ure effic ient proc ess -
ing. W hen returning product to R.L. Drake Holdings , LLC., pleas e follow the sim ple s teps below (in the order that they ap-



1. Contac t R.L. Drak e Holdings, LLC.’s Servic e Departm ent

1. Contac t R.L. Drak e Holdings, LLC.’s Servic e Departm ent

in one of three w ays :

in one of three w ays :

A. Phone: 937-746-6990

A. Phone: 937-746-6990

B. Em ail: s ervic ehelp@rldrak e.c om

B. Em ail: s ervic ehelp@rldrak e.c om

C. Fax:


C. Fax:


2. Reques t from Servic e a c opy of the Produc t Return Auth-

2. Reques t from Servic e a c opy of the Produc t Return Auth-

orization Form .

orization Form .

3. Com plete the Produc t Return Auhtorization Form fully.

3. Com plete the Produc t Return Authorization Form fully.

4. Return the c ompleted Produc t Return Authorization Form 4. Return the c ompleted Produc t Return Authorization Form

to the Drak e Servic e Departm ent us ing one of the c ontac t to the Drak e Servic e Departm ent us ing one of the c ontac t
m ethods lis ted in Step 1. methods lis ted in Step 1.

5. After c om pleting Steps 1 through 4, a RMA Num ber w ill

5. After c om pleting Steps 1 through 4, a RMA Num ber w ill

be ass igned to you.

be ass igned to you.

6. Sec urely pac k the product and m ark the box w ith your

6. Sec urely pac k the product in its original unda ma ged

RMA Num ber. If s hipping m ultiple boxes , all boxes m ust

box (returning the produc t w ithout its original pack aging

be m ark ed w ith the RMA Num ber. Plac e the RMA Num -

in good new c ondition m ay c aus e the inc ursion of add-

ber near your return addres s in large, bold print (approx.

itional fees ). Pac k this box w ithin another s hipping c on-

2” in height).

tainer or box. Mark the s hipping box or c ontainer with

your RMA Num ber. Plac e the RMA Num bers near your

7. Ship your SERV ICE REPA IR ONLY return to:

return addres s in large, bold print (approx. 2” in height).

R.L. Drake Holdings, LLC.
Attn: Product Service Returns
710 Pleasant Valley Drive

7. Ship your CREDIT RE TURNS ONLY return to:

R.L. Drak e Holdings , LLC.

Springboro, OH 45066

Attn: Produc t Credit Returns

One J ak e Brow n Road
Old Bridge, NJ 08857

NOT E: All Credit Returns are subject to a

15% Restock Fee

NOTE: All shipments are to be PRE-PAID by the sender. NO COD’s will be accepted.


Call our Cus tom er Servic e/Tec hnic al Support line at +1 (937) 746-6990 betw een 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Eas tern Standard
Tim e, w eek days . Pleas e have the unit’s s erial num ber available. W e will also need to k now the s pec ifics of any other equip-
m ent c onnec ted to the unit. W hen calling, please have the unit up and running, near the phone if poss ible.
Our tec hnic ian(s ) w ill lik ely ask c ertain questions to aid in diagnos is of the problem . Als o, have a voltm eter handy, if pos s ible.
DRAKE also provides tec hnic al as sis tanc e by Em ail: s ervic ehelp @rldrak e.c om or by Fax: (937) 806-1510.
Many of the produc ts that are s ent to us for repair are in perfec t work ing order w hen we rec eive them . For thes e units , there
is a s tandard c heck out fee that you will be c harged. Pleas e perform w hatever s teps are applic able from the installation s ec -
tions of the Ins truc tion Manual before c alling or w riting - this c ould s ave unnec ess ary phone c harges . Pleas e do not return
the unit w ithout c ontac ting DRAKE Servic e firs t; it is preferred to help troubles hoot the problem over the phone (or by Em ail)
firs t, saving you both tim e and m oney.