Section 8: troubleshooting common problems, 1 duplicate players within rosters, 2 duplicate teams within dakstats – Daktronics School SID User Manual

Page 31: Section 8, Troubleshooting common problems, Duplicate players within rosters, Duplicate teams within dakstats

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Troubleshooting Common Problems


Section 8: Troubleshooting Common Problems

Below are some of the most common problems that users encounter when using their DakStats
software to Web-Sync. If a certain question is not covered below, please feel free to email

[email protected]

or call 888-325-7828.

8.1 Duplicate Players within Rosters


On the Configure Rosters screen, attempt to delete one instance of the player. If the
first instance cannot be deleted, attempt to delete the second. If neither can be
deleted, proceed to the next step.


Merge the players:
a. On the Configure Rosters screen, click the first instance of the player, hold [Ctrl],

and then click the second instance of the player.

b. Click the Merge button that appears in the bottom right portion of the screen.

Note: If both instances of the player have statistics in Play-by-play games, the program will
not let them merge. A message will appear that says Both players have stats in Play-by-play
. Manually edit the Play-by-play games so that only one of the players has stats.

a. Attempt to delete one of the players. It will show a list of Play-by-play games in

which the player has stats.

b. Open each game listed for the player, and then edit each play in which the player

is involved by giving the stats to the other instance of the player instead.

c. Go back to the Configure Rosters screen and attempt to Merge the players again.

Note: If both instances of the player have statistics in the same game, the program will not let
them merge. A message will appear that says Both players have stats in the following games.
Manually edit the game so that only one of the players has stats.

a. Open the game(s) listed in the error message.
b. Go to Game Control > Game Finished so that the stats may be edited.
c. Total the statistics for the two players into just one of the duplicate players.

Note: For DakStats Baseball, it will also be necessary to click In Game in the top
right corner of the screen. If the player is in the list, remove him or her.

d. Click Game Control > Game Finished to finish the game again.
e. On the Configure Rosters screen, attempt to merge the players again.

8.2 Duplicate Teams within DakStats

If there are duplicate teams within DakStats:


Attempt to delete one of the teams. If one does not delete, try the other. If neither of
the teams can be deleted, proceed to the next step.


In order to combine the teams, it will be necessary to export the games involved,
delete the games, delete the teams, and then re-import the games under the correct
team. The steps below explain this process:
a. On the Configure Teams screen, change the abbreviation of the duplicated team to

“AAA” in order to differentiate between teams in the upcoming steps.

b. Export the games involving the duplicate team (“AAA”).

1) Go to File > Export Game.
2) Select the Season.
3) Select each game individually and click Export.

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