Daktronics School SID User Manual
Page 22

7. Select a Category. The available categories will vary based on the Scope and the sport,
and are also visible on the Web-Sync page:
8. Leave Overall selected to show all stats or click Conference to filter the stats.
9. After selecting the desired settings, click GO to generate the report.
10. After successfully generating a report, users have a couple options for getting the raw
data into a publishing program:
Click Copy To Clipboard to take a quick snapshot of the data that can be pasted
into the publishing program.
Click Save As to save the report as a text file that can be imported into the
publishing program.
Note: Once the data is in the publishing program, it may be necessary to use the
[Tab] key to manually adjust the spacing between the stat categories so that the
correct information lines up between each player or team.