2 all sport ball on options, Play colors (not applicable), Yard numbers (not applicable) – Daktronics DakStats GameDay Graphics Generator User Manual

Page 29: Field options, Game overview chart (not applicable), Allsport ball on configuration, Center ball on image, Field orientation, Direction of travel, All sport ball on options

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Football Options


8.2 All Sport Ball On Options

Unlike the drive chart information, which comes from DakStats, ball on (down and distance)
information comes from an All Sport 5000 controller. Refer to Section 4 for more information
on setting up and operating the All Sport 5000.

Note: All Sport firmware version 4.0.2 or later is required.

In addition to an All Sport 5000 controller, the Daktronics Scoring-Timing Interface (DSTI) is
also required. This software needs a DSI configuration file that can communicate with the All
Sport. Contact Daktronics to create a new DSI file if necessary.

Play Colors (Not Applicable)

Yard Numbers (Not Applicable)

Field Options

Use the drop-down arrow box to select the field color and adjust the custom color values as

Game Overview Chart (Not Applicable)

AllSport Ball On Configuration

Click Enable to begin selecting the settings for this type of chart.

Center Ball On Image

Check this option to center the ball on image on the current yardline. If unchecked, the ball
on image always will be behind the current yardline.

Field Orientation

Select a Vertical or Horizontal orientation for the field. Note that when switching between
these options, it is likely that the image size dimensions (width and height) will also have to
be switched. Refer to Section 5.5.

Direction of Travel

The text of these options will vary depending on the Field Orientation:

Normal (via AllSport): Displays the ball based on the settings in the All Sport

Always Home On Top/Left: Home end zone will always be on the top or left

Always Home On Bottom/Right: Home end zone will always be on the bottom or right

Always Top to Bottom/Left to Right: Direction of play will always move from the
top to the bottom or from the left to the right

Always Bottom to Top/Right to Left: Direction of play will always move from the
bottom to the top or from the right to the left