Domain name – D-Link DFL-600 User Manual

Page 82

background image

allows you to specify the IP

te end of the VPN tunnel

ote peer’s ISP).

able to resolve the

to an IP address.

allows you to specify that

Please note that if the


this VPN tunnel will connect with using this
drop-down menu.

Static IP address
address of the remo
assuming that this IP address does not change
(is statically assigned by the rem

Domain Name allows you to specify the
domain name of the remote end of the VPN
tunnel. This requires that the designated DNS
server for the DFL-600 be
specified domain name in

Dynamic IP address
the remote end of the VPN tunnel is assigned an
IP address using DHCP.
remote end of an IPSec VPN tunnel uses a
dynamically assigned IP address, this end m
have a statically assigned IP address. That is,
both ends of an IPSec VPN tunnel cannot have
a dynamically assigned IP address.

Termination IP

The IP address of the remote gateway. If you
choose Static IP address
menu above, you mu
the remote end of the IPSec VPN tunnel here.

in the drop-down

st enter the IP address of

Domain Name

The domain name of the remo
you choose Domain Name
menu above, you mu
of the remote end of the IPSec VPN tunnel

te gateway. If

in the drop-down

st enter the domain name

Peer ID Type

This drop-down menu allows you to specify the
type of authorization key


− This allows you to

specify that the IP address of the remote end of
the IPSec VPN tunnel will be used to identify
and authenticate the remote host.