Daktronics Data Time Series 50 Time & Temperature Displays User Manual

Page 51

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Maintenance &


5.2.3 Status Indicators

The LED indicators show the status of the display controller. These indicators can be
used to determine controller problems. Refer to Drawing A-37070 for the location of
these LEDs. Their function is as follows:

PW2: Temperature Sensor/Light Detector Power (+5 volts).

ON: Power is present.

PHO: Temperature Sensor/Light Detector Status.

ON: Sensor is detecting a BRIGHT condition.

OFF: Sensor is detecting a DIM condition (or sensor is


TMP: Temperature Sensor Status.

ON: Temperature sensor input detected.

OFF: No sensor input.

PW1: Display Controller Main Logic Power (+5 volts).

ON: Power is present.

DS5: Not used (OFF).

DS6: Not used (OFF).

DS7: Source of Clock Time Base.

ON: Internal Real Time Clock.

OFF: Power Line Frequency (50 or 60 Hertz).

DS8: System Clock.

Turns ON and OFF at one second intervals.

RST: Monitor Reset.

ON: Monitor is resetting Controller Microprocessor.
OFF: Normal operation. Monitor checks +5V power, processor


Signal Input (from handset).

ON: Signal from handset is present (will blink with data).

OFF: No signal present.



When a problem occurs with the display, the first step is to isolate the display component that
is causing the problem. Some troubleshooting can be done without opening the display. Any
troubleshooting requiring access inside the display should be done by a qualified service person.