Reproduction reference – Daktronics Data Time Series 50 Time & Temperature Displays User Manual

Page 3

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ED7207 – P1114

Data Time Series 50 Time and Temperature

1) This page is for reproduction reference only and will not be included in the manual.

2) This manual is to be copied on FRONT AND BACK PAGES -8 ½ x 11 paper.

Note: The first page, Cover Page, uses the front of the page (blank on back). Section
heading pages always start on a new page; they never start on the back of another page.

3) Drawings included in this manual:

Section 1: A-61929, A-56629, A-57794, A-59698, A-58669, A-63117

Section 2: A-72324, A-72325, A-72326

Section 3: A-15267, A-57279, A-57319, A-67341, A-87841

Section 4: A-57210

Section 5: A-37070, A-67339

Appendix A: A-59425, A-87845

Appendix B: A-65383

Appendix C: None

Appendix D: B-99250 (printed as an A-size)

4) Use a blue window cover and a blue back.

5) Punch all pages, window cover and back cover along the left edge and bind with a binder.

6) Please direct questions and suggestions to Engineering Secretarial.