Wan-to-wan internal multicast address, Ospf application, Wan -39 – Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A Vipersat Parameter Editor User Manual

Page 55: Wan-to-wan internal multicast address . 2-39, Ospf application -39, Figure 2-26 wide area network dialog -39

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Using Parameter Editor




The WAN menu item is used to set Quality of Service parameters for the wide

area network, and to specify the IP address to be used for multicasting internal

messages over the satellite network.

Figure 2-26 Wide Area Network dialog

WAN-to-WAN Internal Multicast Address

This multicast address is utilized by the Hub modem units for passing internal

messages to the Remotes. Note that these messages are transmitted only over

the satellite (WAN) network; they are never passed over the LAN.
One example of this feature is the enhanced performance of return path SCPC

switching that results when an assigned Hub expansion unit sends a switching

trigger message to the Remote that has issued the switch request.

OSPF Application

In networks utilizing the OSPF routing protocol, this address serves for the

multicasting of dynamic route changes that are passed from the Hub to all of the

This parameter must be set to the same address for all modem units in the

network. The default setting is