Burst map multicast ip address, Outbound ip address for dpc, Remote list – Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A Vipersat Parameter Editor User Manual

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SLM-5650A Parameter Editor User Guide

signal lock to occur before data is sent, thus preventing data loss. Higher data

rates allow for a shorter preamble, since it is easier to achieve signal lock.
The setting for this parameter (default = 0) should be obtained using the Viper-

sat STDMA Calculator—a free tool available from Vipersat Customer Support.

Burst Map Multicast IP Address

This field appears for Hub and Remote modems.
This field is used to define the IP Address for the Burstmap Multicast that is

sent out by the STDMA Burst Controller at the Hub to all of the associated

Remotes in that group. This address must be the same for all members of the

group. The burstmap is a proprietary message sent from the Hub to all Remotes,

at regular intervals, specifying the relative start time and duration for each

terminal to transmit.

Outbound IP Address for DPC

This field appears for Hub modem only.
This field, which appears for all Hub configurations, defines the current

Outbound IP Address. This identifies the Hub device that is supplying the

TDM outbound to the satellite. Specifying this address is necessary when

configuring a Hub that utilizes a Burst Controller that is a separate device from

the TDM modem.
This address must always be defined when the DPC feature is to be used,

whether or not the BC and TDM are separate devices. The Outbound IP address

will be the same as the Burst Controller IP address when the Burst Controller

and the TDM modem are the same device.

Remote List

This menu item appears under STDMA when the Unit Role is Hub, and is used

to define and make modifications to the Remotes that belong to the STDMA

group for the Hub Burst Controller.
Click the Add button to add a new Remote(s) to the list for this Burst Control-

ler. Define the IP Address, Name, and switching policies for the Remote.
An example for an ECM Hub is shown in figure 2-8 and figure 2-9. Enter the

SCPC Data Rate and the Switch Type to determine when the Remote will

switch and the desired starting point for communications. Note that a Data Rate

value of 0 will prevent the Remote from switching out of STDMA mode and

into SCPC mode.