Parameter editor tree menu, Configuration alert, Parameter editor tree menu -3 – Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A Vipersat Parameter Editor User Manual

Page 19: Configuration alert -3, Figure 2-1 tree menus, vipersat modes -3

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Using Parameter Editor


Parameter Editor Tree Menu

Parameter Editor Tree Menu

The Parameter Editor displays the editable parameter categories for each

network modem/router in the form of a tree menu. The tree appearance will vary

depending on the selected Working Mode, and whether the unit has both a

modulator and a demodulator, or a demodulator only.

Figure 2-1 Tree Menus, Vipersat Modes

From the VMS, Parameter Editor is accessed by selecting the modem Configure

From VLoad, Parameter Editor is accessed by clicking on the Edit Param File


Configuration Alert

Parameter Editor performs a check of the configuration settings that are input by

the user. If any settings are found to be in conflict for the unit, an alert message

is generated to inform the user that an adjustment is necessary. When a dialog

containing a conflicting parameter setting is exited, an alert icon will appear in

front of the associated menu item (figure 2-2). Upon re-opening the dialog, an

Vipersat Hub

Vipersat Remote

Expansion w/o Mod