Comtech EF Data DD2401 User Manual

Page 59

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DD2401 Satellite Demodulator

User Interfaces

MN-DD2401 - Rev. G











Insert Mode

Insert Map

Insert Alarm

Insert Back Alarm

Force Terrestrial
Back Alarm

Insert Edit Map

Rx Impedance


TPC Interleaver

Bit 1 = IBS Satellite Frame Fault
Bit 2 = Spare
Bit 3 = IBS Alarm if BER < 10-03
Bit 4 = IBS Prompt Alarm
Bit 5 = IBS Service Alarm
Bit 6 = Turbo Codec Lock Fault
Bit 7 = Spare
(0 = Mask, 1 = Allow)

0 = Disable, 1 = T1-D4, 2 = T1-ESF, 3 = PCM-30, 4 = PCM-30C, 5 =
PCM-31, 6 = PCM-31C, 7 = T1-SLC96, 8 = T1-D4-S, 9 = T1-ESF-S

Mapping of Satellite Channels to Insert Terrestrial Timeslots

Bit 0 = Frame Lock Fault
Bit 1 = Multiframe Lock Fault
Bit 2 = CRC Lock Fault. Valid only in T1-ESF and E1 – CRC enabled
Bit 3 = T1 Yellow Alarm Received
Bit 4 = E1 FAS Alarm Received
Bit 5 = E1 MFAS Alarm Received
Bit 6 = E1 CRC Alarm Received
Bit 7 = CRC Calculation Fault
(0 = Mask, 1 = Allow)

Bit 0 = Backward Alarm Received from Satellite
Bits 1 – 7 = Spares
(0 = Mask, 1 = Allow)

Force D&I Terrestrial Backward Alarm to be Trans
(0 = Not Forced, 1 = Forced)

0 = 75 Ohms, 1 = 50 Ohms

0 = Disable Interleaver, 1 = Enable Interleaver

Opcode: <2A01h>

Command a Demodulator’s Frequency



Unsigned Binary Value in Hz

Opcode: <2A02h>

Command a Demodulator’s Data Rate


Data Rate

Unsigned Binary Value in BPS

Opcode: <2A04h>

Command a Demodulator’s Sweep Boundary


Sweep Boundary

Set in 1 kHz Steps (Max of 42 kHz)

Opcode: <2A07h>

Command a Demodulator’s Demodulation Type



0 = QPSK, 1 = BPSK, 2 = 8PSK, 4 = OQPSK

Opcode: <2A08h>

Command a Demodulator’s Convolutional Decoder