Comtech EF Data DD2401 User Manual
Page 26

User Interfaces
DD2401 Satellite Demodulator
MN-DD2401 - Rev. G
The unit can be interactively monitored and controlled in the Terminal Mode, with a full screen
presentation of current settings and status. Programming is accomplished by selecting the item
to be modified and pressing the terminal key of the option number. For example, to change the
Receive Data Rate, enter “33” at the terminal. The DD240/VME2401/MD2401 DEMODULATOR
will respond by presenting the options available and requesting input. Two types of input may be
requested. If the input is multiple choice, the desired choice is selected by pressing
When the desired option is displayed, press
input type requires a numerical input (such as entering a frequency or data rate). This type of
input is followed by pressing
time by pressing
The Terminal Control Mode supports a serial baud rate of 19200. The connection must be set for
8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity (8, N, 1). Three terminal emulations are supported: VT100,
WYSE 50, and ADDS. The emulation type can be changed by pressing <$> (dollar sign) on the
terminal keyboard.
4.3 Terminal Port User Interface
Each demodulator has a Terminal Port Connection (J1) that allows for complete control and
monitoring of the demodulator parameters and functions via an RS-232 Serial Interface.
The factory default setup parameters are as follows:
Emulation Type:
VT100 (can be changed)
Baud Rate:
Data Bits:
No Parity (Fixed)
Stop Bits:
1 stop bit
4.3.1 Connecting the Terminal
Connect the computer to the Remote Connector (J5) on the rear of the unit using
the RS-232 Cable.
Enable the terminal by selecting Terminal Mode (located under the System -
Control Mode Menu) from the front panel.
Verify that your emulation software is set to the following:
8 data bits
no parity
1 stop bit
Modify the selection, if necessary, to match the settings (the Front Panel
‘SYSTEM’ Sub-Menu contains all the Terminal Emulation Controls).