Universal limit kit troubleshooting – BUG-O Systems Modular Drive System User Manual
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This Troubleshooting section details troubleshooting the Universal Limit Kit. See the
Modular Drive System
Troubleshooting Guide for troubleshooting all other components.
Recommended Troubleshooting Procedure:
1) If using the Universal Limit Kit with the MDS-1001 Straight Module, the CYCLE SELECTION switch on
the Control Module must be in the BASIC FORWARD/REVERSE position for the machine to operate
2) Perform steps 1 through 6 in the Modular System Troubleshooting Guide, The Master Drive, Control
Module and Weaver Drive must be functioning correctly before proceeding.
3) Check for loose or damaged wires both internal and external to the Universal Limit Kit.
4) If the machine does not move at all, measure the voltage across each limit switch on the PC board
while cycling the switch on and off. The voltage should toggle between 0 and 12V DC. If it does not, the
limit switch or limit switch wiring is damaged.
CAUTION: If using the MDS-1001 Straight Module with the Universal Limit Kit, the CYCLE
SELECTION switch on the Control Module must be in the BASIC FORWARD/REVERSE position or
the machine may not move.
5) If the machine turns around, stops, or starts unexpectedly, the Universal Limit Kit may be picking up RF
noise from the welder. Move all of the welder cables away from the Universal Limit Kit, the limit switch
wires and the Control Module.
6) If the previous steps did not fix the Universal Limit Kit, the PCB-1030 card is probably defective.
Replace the card.