Bronkhorst MASS-VIEW Series User Manual
Page 16

Page 16
MASS‐VIEW® series
3.4.3 The menu structure
From the readout screen one can enter the menu by pressing enter. One can navigate through the
menu‐items using up and down and enter the selected item by pressing enter.
Select the “back” option to return to the readout screen or to go up one level in the menu.
In each sub‐menu various parameters can be edited by pressing enter.
Depending on the type of parameter, the edit screen will look like the following.
In the value‐list edit screen a value can be selected from a list using the up and down button. The
number of parameter values in the list and the index of the selected item will be displayed on top of the
screen. In the value edit screen the parameter value can be changed by selecting the digits using left or
right and then increase or decrease the value using up or down.
Pressing enter after editing the parameter value will save the new value and return to the sub‐menu.
The visibility of some parameters depends on the value of other parameters. For instance if the marker
is disabled, the marker value will not be displayed.