BrightSign Network Web API Reference Manual v.3.8 User Manual
Page 96

ScreenResolution[] GetSupportedScreenResolutions(DeviceModel deviceModel,
bool CheckPresentationName(string name)
bool CheckPresentationUsage(int presentationId)
Presentation CreatePresentation(Presentation entity)
Presentation UpdatePresentation(Presentation entity)
bool UpdatePresentationScreenSettings(int presentationId, ScreenSettings
bool UpdatePresentationZone(PresentationZone entity)
bool DeletePresentations(int[] presentationIds)
Retrieves the next page of the
[string] Name. The returned list will contain no more
items than the defined page size.
Note: This method will not be able to initialize the
structure if a target presentation was created in BrightAuthor. The server will return “unknown”
and Null values instead.
Required Permissions
Presentation: View Presentations
[string] marker: The [string] Name of the last Presentation instance on the previous page. If the value is
Null, then the method will retrieve the first page.
[int] pageSize: The maximum number of objects returned by the method. If the list of objects that match the
search criteria exceeds the
[int] pageSize limit, the returned list will indicate that it is truncated. If the integer is