Live text feed management web methods – BrightSign Network Web API Reference Manual v.3.8 User Manual

Page 57

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[DateTime] ValidityEndDate: A value that determines the validity end date for the associated item (i.e. the
point at which the item will no longer be displayed in the Live Text Feed). A Null value determines that the item will
be valid until it is removed from the Live Text Feed manually by the user; this is the standard case for most items.

Live Text Feed Management Web Methods

PagedList GetLiveTextFeeds(string marker, int pageSize)

List GetSpecifiedLiveTextFeeds(int[] liveTextFeedIds)

PagedList FindLiveTextFeeds(string namePattern, string marker, int


LiveTextFeed GetLiveTextFeed(int liveTextFeedId, bool loadContent)

LiveTextFeed GetLiveTextFeedByName(string name, bool loadContent)

bool CheckLiveTextFeedName(string name)

bool CheckLiveTextFeedUsage(int liveTextFeedId)

bool CheckLiveTextFeedUsageByName(string name)

LiveTextFeed CreateLiveTextFeed(LiveTextFeed entity)

LiveTextFeed CloneLiveTextFeed(string feedUrl)

bool UpdateLiveTextFeed(LiveTextFeed entity)

bool RenameLiveTextFeed(int liveTextFeedId, string newName)

bool DeleteLiveTextFeeds(int[] liveTextFeedIds)

PagedList GetLiveTextFeeds(string marker, int pageSize)

Retrieves the next page of the


list, sorted by

[string] Name. The returned list will contain no more

items than the defined page size.

Required Permissions
Live Text Feed: View Live Text Feeds