BrightSign Network Web API Reference Manual v.3.8 User Manual
Page 49

[string] namePattern: The exact [string] Name of the ImageVideoDynamicPlaylist instance (or its
wildcard-based pattern). Supported wildcards currently include “*”, “?”, and “[‘and’]”.
[string] marker: The [string] Name of the last instance on the previous page. If the value is Null, then the
method will retrieve the first page.
[int] pageSize: [int] pageSize: The maximum number of objects returned by the method. If the list of
objects that match the search criteria exceeds the
[int] pageSize limit, the returned list will indicate that it is
truncated. If the integer is not positive, then the method will return the maximum allowed number of objects.
Attempting to request more objects than is allowed will lead to the same result, but without an error.
marker, int pageSize)
Retrieves the next page of an
instance list containing names matched with the specified pattern.
The returned list is organized alphabetically by
[string] Name and may not contain more items than the defined
page size.
Required Permissions
Dynamic Playlists: View Dynamic Playlists
[string] namePattern: The exact [string] Name of the AudioDynamicPlaylist instance (or its wildcard-
based pattern). Supported wildcards currently include “*”, “?”, and “[‘and’]”.
[string] marker: The [string] Name of the last instance on the previous page. If the value is Null, then the
method will retrieve the first page.
[int] pageSize: [int] pageSize: The maximum number of objects returned by the method. If the list of
objects that match the search criteria exceeds the
[int] pageSize limit, the returned list will indicate that it is