Deletedynamicplaylist() – BrightSign Network Web API Reference Manual v.3.8 User Manual
Page 54

o The passed string is more than 50 characters.
o The passed string does not match a preexisting Dynamic Playlist.
o The [int] DisplayDuration of a
entity-relation is set to less than 1 second.
This only applies to entity-relations representing image files.
bool RenameDynamicPlaylist(int dynamicPlaylistId, string newName)
Updates the
[string] Name of the specified
method returns True upon success and False upon failure.
Required Permissions
Dynamic Playlist: Update Dynamic Playlist, Rename Dynamic Playlist
[int] dynamicPlaylistId: The identifier and primary key of the instance. If an instance with the specified
identifier does not exist, the method will return False without error.
[string] newName: The new name for the specified instance. A descriptive error will be returned to the client if
the passed string is more than 50 characters.
bool DeleteDynamicPlaylists(int[] dynamicPlaylistIds)
Deletes the specified
instances from both the database and
persistent storage. Related MRSS files are also removed. This method returns True upon success and False upon
Required Permissions
Dynamic Playlist: Delete Dynamic Playlist