Schedule, Scheduledpresentation entity-relation – BrightSign Network Web API Reference Manual v.3.8 User Manual
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ScheduledPresentation Entity-Relation
The ScheduledPresentation entity-relation represents the relationship between a Presentation and Group instance in
terms of its schedule. This entity-relation has the following properties.
[int] Id:(Read Only) The identifier and primary key of a scheduled Presentation instance.
[int] PresentationId: The identifier of the Presentation instance that is scheduled for the associated Group
[string] PresentationName: The name of the Presentation instance that is scheduled for the associated
Group instance.
[bool] IsRecurrent: A flag specifying whether the related presentation is played periodically at specified times
and days of the week.
should begin playing. A Null value can be set for recurrent presentations that do not have a defined start date.
[TimeSpan] StartTime: A TimeSpan value specifying the time when a presentation should begin playing.
[TimeSpan] Duration: A TimeSpan value specifying how long a presentation should play.
scheduled presentation should begin playing. A Null value can be set for recurrent presentations that do not have a
defined start date.
scheduled presentation should terminate. A Null value can be set for recurrent presentations that do not have a
defined end date.
[DayOfWeek] DaysOfWeek: A value indicating the days of the week during which a recurrently scheduled
presentation should play.