BrightSign Network Web API Reference Manual v.3.8 User Manual
Page 87

Required Permissions
[string] name: The user-defined name of the DeviceWebPage instance to evaluate. If a DeviceWebPage
instance with the specified
[string] Name does not exist, this method will return False without an error.
bool RenameDeviceWebPage(int webPageId, string newName)
Updates the
[string] Name of the specified
instance. This method returns True upon success
and False upon failure.
Required Permissions
[int] devicWebPageId: The identifier and primary key of the DeviceWebPage instance. If a DeviceWebPage
instance with the specified identifier does not exist, the method will return False without an error.
[string] newName: A new Name parameter for the specified DeviceWebPage instance. A descriptive error will
be returned if the new Name string is greater than 50 characters.
bool DeleteDeviceWebPages(int[] webPageIds)
Deletes the specified
instance(s) and related files in both the database and persistent storage. This
method returns True only if the operation is completely successful. Otherwise, it returns False.
Required Permissions