Entity update methods – BrightSign Network Web API Reference Manual v.3.8 User Manual
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Methods of this type allow you to search for entities using a
[string] Name pattern (including wildcards). This method
type only exists for entities that have a Name alternate key. These methods return paged results with initialized parent
dependencies and/or usage indicators.
Get{EntityName} / Get{EntityName}ByName
Methods of this type retrieve a single object instance using one of its Keys. Unlike other method types, these methods
allow retrieval of child entities along with the requested entity. This behavior is useful for entity properties dialogues (e.g. a
Group Properties dialogue that shows general information about a particular group) and entity management pages (e.g. a
Dynamic Playlist management page that can be initialized with a single call).
Entity Update Methods
Currently, there are two types of entity update method:
General Update Methods:
e.g. UpdateGroup
These methods receive a complete object in its updated state and attempt to detect and store all changes on the
server side. These methods are useful in cases where a client retrieves an object first, allows the user to make
changes, and then passes the new state to the server without the need to track user changes or construct call
chains for applying a particular change (e.g. selecting the
Edit button of a Dynamic Playlist in the BrightSign
Network WebUI)—this is a use case that fits most WebUI and some BrightAuthor scenarios.
These methods can also update object relations, so the client will be able to store not only all new property values,
but also, for instance, updated sets of Dynamic Playlists or presentation contents in a single transactional service
call without intermediate states.