BrightSign Network Web API Reference Manual v.3.8 User Manual
Page 85

Required Permissions
Web Page: View Web Pages
[int] deviceWebPageId: The identifier and primary key of the DeviceWebPage instance to be retrieved.
[bool] loadAssets: A flag specifying whether the method should also initialize and return a list of all assets
currently being used by the Web Page.
DeviceWebPage GetDeviceWebPageByName(string name, bool loadContent)
Retrieves the
[string] Name. This method returns Null if the
DeviceWebPage instance with the specified name does not exist.
Required Permissions
[string] name: The user-defined Name of the DeviceWebPage instance to be retrieved.
[bool] loadAssets: A flag specifying whether the method should also initialize and return a list of all assets
currently being used by the Device Web Page.
bool CheckDeviceWebPageName(string name)
Determines whether the specified
[string] Name is currently in use. This method returns True if a
Device Web Page with the specified name currently exists.
Note that when using this method to check whether a Device Web Page can be uploaded, a False status may change
after this method is called.