BrightSign Network Web API Reference Manual v.3.8 User Manual

Page 39

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[string] sha1Hash: The SHA1 hash of the webpage file. The server performs verification of the uploaded file
using the specified hash. A descriptive error will be returned if the specified hash does not match the hash value
calculated by the server. This parameter is optional; the server-side hash verification process is skipped if this
parameter is not specified.

WebPageUploadStatus CompleteWebPageUploadSession(array webpageAssets[], string
sessionToken, string filename, long filesize, int chunksCount, enum ContentType, string
virtualPath, base64Binary fileThumb, string sha1Hash)

Returns the

Web Page ID

of the uploaded webpage file if the upload session is successful. Otherwise, it returns a

descriptive error. If a specified parameter is different between the

StartWebPageUploadSession() and

CompleteWebPageUploadSession() calls, the specification in the CompleteWebPageUploadSession() call will
overwrite the original

StartWebPageUploadSession() specification. This is true for both the webpage file and

associated asset files.

Required Permissions
Content: Upload Content


[array] webpageAssets: An array of one or more sets of WebPageAssetUploadArguments, which can
contain the following:

o [string] filename: The name of the file to be uploaded. A descriptive error will be returned if any of the

following conditions occur:

This string is empty.

The string has more than 128 characters.

The file name is not valid.

o [long] filesize: The size of the file in bytes. This parameter must be an unsigned integer value no

greater than 5000000000 (i.e. 5GB). A descriptive error will be returned if the value is negative.